Myanmar Safeguards Information

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Myanmar's Safeguards Information System (SIS)

A system to provide information on how each of the safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout REDD+ implementation is a key requirement for REDD+ countries under the UNFCCC.Myanmar began designing its SIS in 2018, under the auspices of the TWG-SES, and with stakeholder input. The design of Myanmar’s SIS is more fully described in the report ’Design of Myanmar’s REDD+ Safeguards Information System’ , but some key elements include:Current objectives of Myanmar’s SIS:
  • Meeting UNFCCC requirements on safeguards to become eligible for results-based payments;
  • Attracting support for financing REDD+ implementation from public, private and other sources;
  • Strengthening links to other relevant national information systems and information sharing;
  • Contributing to evidence-based policy-making and policy implementation in relevant sectors, such as forestry, agriculture and biodiversity conservation
Proposed institutional roles and responsibilities :There are a range of tasks related to the establishment and operation of a SIS, from requesting data to processing and analysing it, and sharing information with stakeholders. The roles and responsibilities for operating Myanmar’s SIS are spread across a number of key institutions, as shown in the diagram below.
Figure : SIS Data Flow
Phased approach to establishing the SIS:The UNFCCC decisions allow for continued improvement of the SIS over time and Myanmar will follow a stepwise or phased approach in establishing its SIS:Phase 1 – focused on establishing a functioning SIS that provides basic information on all safeguards, in order to meet UNFCCC requirements. An online database will be established focused firstly on priority indicators and information coming from a number of key departments/organizations.Phase 2 – focused on upgrading and improving the information in the system, and meeting the additional objectives set out for the SIS. As more information becomes available – e.g. through monitoring of REDD+ implementation and the NFMS – the comprehensiveness of the SIS can be enhanced.Myanmar is currently establishing its Phase 1 SIS, which shall include an online database – this webpage provides an interim source of information on safeguards and SIS at this time.More information:
  • Report: Design of Myanmar’s REDD+ Safeguards Information System (English) (Myanmar)
  • Action Plan for Operationalization of Myanmar’s Safeguards Information System