Myanmar Safeguards Information

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REDD+ Safeguards and Safeguards Information System in Myanmar

     The government of Myanmar has recognized the potential of the REDD+ initiative to contribute to green development by protecting environmental resources, helping to reverse land degradation, helping to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor, and aiding adaptation to climate change.

     Countries implementing REDD+ should promote and support seven social and environmental safeguards, known as the Cancun Safeguards, as agreed by parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A Safeguards Information System (SIS) will also be established to share information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected.

        Myanmar has developed a national approach to addressing and respecting the Cancun safeguards, and is establishing its SIS.This interim webpage provides an introduction to the safeguards and SIS in Myanmar, including initial information on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected, while the country’s full SIS database is being established.